Friday, June 07, 2013

The Next Big Thing!

It’s The next Big Next I tell ya!

What is?



See, it’s like this… it’s a global blog tour that started in Australia.The idea is to bring awareness to authors and illustrators and their current work. I was tagged by my super talented artist friend in Houston, Roberta Baird. At the end of this post you see the awesome authors/illustrators that I’ve tagged…. because they’re The Next Big Thing!

Here are the questions we all follow:

1)What is the working title of your next book?
Right now, I'm looking for a home for a dummy book I've written & illustrated called "The Three Little Pigs Go To Preschool". I've used it as an entry to the Don Freeman Grant through SCBWI, but so far I haven't submitted it to a publisher yet.

2)Where did the idea come from for the book?
I spent 5 years working as an assistant teacher at a preschool. We had the three year olds. I got a lot of inspiration from them as they worked on social skills and how to treat their friends. The three pigs was a perfect fit. (In my version, the pigs DO NOT get eaten by the wolf.)

3)What genre does your book fall under?
Definitely fiction geared at preschoolers.

4)What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition?
Hmmm. Well, I suppose they would have to be voice overs in a cartoon - I would say Sophia Grace or Rosie from The Ellen Show could be Pignelope because I love their cute British accent - I'm pretty sure Rosie is the one who talks the most. Seth Rogen would make a great wolf. Steve Carrell could be Presley, and Pee Wee Herman would make an excellent Petey. :)

5)What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
Follow the three little pigs through preschool as they learn to interact kindly to a socially awkward wolf pup.

6)Who is publishing your book?
Good question. Someone who loves fun preschool adventures and pigs wearing pants.

7)How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?
Well, it's not exactly wordy, and it follows the sequence of the original 3 pigs story in a way, so I would say a few days. Right now, I'm at the 3rd dummy version, and probably the 7th manuscript version.

8)What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
Any of the three pig books always have the pigs building actual houses and are young adult/adult pigs, so mine is unique that it's not exactly that same storyline. I guess I could compare it to Maisey Goes To Preschool or something similar to that.

9)Who or what inspired you to write this book?
Write what you know! 5 years of hanging out with 3 year olds & having 2 kids of my own. Plus, I'm not really a fan of the traditional 3 pigs story where the wolf is mean & trying to eat the pigs. I really like piggies too much to allow that to happen!!!!

10)What else about the book might pique the reader's interest?
One of the 3 pigs, is named after my son's FFA pig (Pignelope) who we raised for 6 months. She was a sweet little pig, and I got attached to her more than anyone in my family. I felt I should honor our time together by putting her in a book. (FYI, she became a breeder pig, so no we didn't eat her!)

Thanks for stopping by to see what I've been working on. Please, continue on with the blog tour by visiting two fantastic ladies (my roomies for the upcoming 2013 SCBWI Conference in LA):

Rebecca Evans


Lynn Alpert


Lynn Alpert said...

I love your picks for your pig characters. (I really love Sophia Grace and Rosie, too!) Good luck getting a publisher and thank you for choosing me to continue the blog tour!

Lisa M Griffin said...

Good luck to you! :)