Friday, February 16, 2018

Fabulous things are happening at Deb Meyer Creative

I thought I would post a little gratitude about something I'm hard at work on. I feel like the windows are open and the fresh, spring air is flooding the room.

Recently, I was contacted to work on a rather large project for a Christian publisher involving Sunday School for preschoolers. What's really cool about this whole thing is that 1)I had never heard of this publisher, so I didn't send out promotional mailers to them - they found me. 2)I had literally prayed about having an opportunity to work with a Christian publisher and specifically for preschool children. 3)I instantly felt extremely confident about this project and being capable of doing a great job (honestly, there is usually a moment of panic on whether I'm good enough or have the time due to my day job or just my inner Eyeore that tries to ruin the moment, but not this time!)

My soul-searching has paid off. Prayers have been answered. It feels wonderful to be working in illustration again and to feel confident about my abilities. I'm grateful and proud every time I get an email back from the publisher that says my sketches have been approved or that it was unanimous that they wanted ME! Wow. What a great feeling.

Plus, I'm writing again and enjoying every minute of it. Looking forward to putting together a dummy book from a story I wrote at the airport while waiting for a connecting flight.

Thank you, God, for planting this desire in my heart and for guiding me through the ups & down. I'm honored you chose me.

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